...having finished studies and now enjoying summer of 2006...

Sonntag, Juli 23, 2006

officially pimped

The big day, the day I got officially pimped with the presentation of my diploma. Almost 3 3/4 years of hard work with learning and parties are over and now I got it. It was a classy presentation with profs and politicians and the right ambience to realise what we have reached. Before dinner with friends and parents we had a small celebration with my neighbours at home. Nice little party with sparkling wine, gifts ;-), flowers and proud parents...hihi

me and some "VIP's" of the university

steph, empi, me, stef, matty and rudi...good friends

proud family ;-) ...thanks for all!!!

neighbours with kids...

And now, its getting closer and closer...the real "work-life". Hopefully some of the learned things help me with my start at Liebherr Ltd. in the beginning of September. I am curious about whats coming next...let's see


Anonymous Anonym said...

Hi peewee ( ;-) )

so you're looking forward to "real work life" ...... I'm gobsmacked - obviously I was too nice to you and you think that your job was just for fun (*shakes head in disbelief*). As it happens that your future collegue is my husband, I reminded him last week that I still did not have a tour of the production unit. Let's see - maybe I'll stand in your new office soon and pick you up for a tour :-). Take care and enjoy the few days left to ... whatever you do right now. Isi

1:38 PM


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