...having finished studies and now enjoying summer of 2006...

Montag, Juli 24, 2006

bbq and thunder

On friday we had a little bbq to celebrate the latest events. Beside my diploma it was time to celebrate Much's performances in his studies that are really remarkable considering his full-time job!!! Starting with some clouds weather became worse and in the end it started to rain in the same time as the barbecue was hot enough. 10 minutes ;-) later we decided to start with electric barbecue to satisfy hunger of most of us, while me and Manfred were aranging other beaf, sausages and etc. on the oldfashioned char barbecue. And what I have to say....it was totally funny, all got their meals and the spirits went high again although the thunderstorm got heavier. And most of all I was glad about the biggest gift I ever got...a handmade fancy cake with personal dedication...thank you folks!!!! The barbecue ended at 2 as we decided to have some other drinks in amadeus and dartort, some bars not far away from home. After we had some other funny drunken conversations I decided to leave as the sun was rising, considering the words of my mum when I was young: "Don't go home in darkness"...... ;-) Gladly some tyrolean girls picked me up and took me with them by car. That saves almost an hour of walking and maybe numerous blisters....

the hungry pack ;-)

best fancy cake ever....thanks!!!

Much, a real gourmet of schnapps....hihi


Anonymous Anonym said...

Hi Woif,

sensationell, wirklich toll, dein Englisch. But my competent knowledge of english are inadequatly to answer in this language.;-) (Hoffe dieser Satz ist richtig!?) Hab gar nicht gewusst, dass du eine Hompage hast. Aber, dass du mich als "Scheangender" abgebildet hast, werde ich dir nie verzeihen. Das kannst du natürlich nur mit einem "Buddei" feinsten Schnaps gut machen ;-).

Für deinen weiteren Lebensweg wünsche ich dir viel Erfolg und dass wir noch einige "complete intoxication" gemeinsam haben.

lg Michael

7:15 PM

Blogger Wolfgang said...

Hey Much!

Des gfreit mi oba, dass di du do "verewigst". Des mitn Buddei hoin ma boid noch, is zö am Somstog auf di, dann klappts auch mit da "intoksikeischon"...hihi


6:35 PM


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